Acquisition Area level: 18 Vendor Prices Vendor Offer 1x Scroll Fragment Metadata Item class: Utility FlasksVersion Changes 2.1.0: Changes related to damage from Poison, Chaos and Damage over time. Amethyst Flask Lasts 4.50 Seconds Consumes 35 of 65 Charges on use +35% to Chaos Resistance Requires Level 18 Right click to drink. Base duration is (8-11.8) seconds +(0-10) to radius Cursed enemies have -(15-30)% to Chaos Resistance Additional Effects per 1% Quality: 0.5% increased Effect of Curse Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Chest – The Brass DomeAoE Radius: 22 Requires Level 24 Curses all targets in an area, lowering their chaos resistance. Gear Head – Essence of horror Amulet – Turquoise Amulet or Jade Amulet. Follow armor and gems to start creating this build. Rarity.The playstyle is simple and an excellent league starter with high armor, max res, insanely high life regen levels, and armor that helps with elemental weakness. My quick list recommended approach for this build would then be: Item Slot.
For comparison, your 59% resistance to Fire is equal to approximately 64% more fire damage than you should be taking compared to if you are at the 75% cap.If you are able to get + level of chaos and/or intelligence skills as well as chaos damage over time multiplier modifiers on your gear that is very good and comes from the Hunter influence mod pool. The game's damage is balanced around you having 75% of every elemental resistance barring Chaos resistance (most people are fine without having any Chaos resistance at all). Category: This page was last edited on 27 January 2022, at 01:35. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.

Obviously every point is stronger than the previous so more is always better, but you're likely giving up damage to get it, so it's a balance. 30m dps with 4.4k life n 35% chaos res.Basically chaos res is pretty good right now and getting at least positive will be very noticeable.

30M dps with 4k life n 65% chaos res n + 30% curse effect reduction. Even reaching 0% chaos res is good, but you should value chaos res on gear quite a lot.HP or chaos res or dps? just reached lvl 100 and now i confused which gonna be the best choice between these 3 opts : 33M dps with 4k life n 35% chaos res. For safe end game mapping, I suggest having anywhere between +20-75 chaos res. 30m dps with 4.4k life n 35% chaos res.The actual boss fight is a joke even with -60% chaos res though, since you can easily avoid taking any damage during the fight. Chest – The Brass Dome HP or chaos res or dps? just reached lvl 100 and now i confused which gonna be the best choice between these 3 opts : 33M dps with 4k life n 35% chaos res.

It is an integral part of many early League Currency Strategies that revolve around generating Currency at the start of new Challenge Leagues. The Chaos Recipe is one of the most powerful and important Recipes for players to know.Poe chaos res HP or chaos res or dps? just reached lvl 100 and now i confused which gonna be the best choice between these 3 opts : 33M dps with 4k life n 35% chaos res.